But please remember, not wanting to practice law is emphatically not a reason to go into teaching.
Below are a few resources on the academic world and how best to transition into a potential faculty position after law school.
Lists, by school, the full-time faculty and professional staff of all member and fee-paid law schools, with biographical sketches.
ABA Legal Education Group Job Board
ABA will list up-to-date postings from ABA accredited law schools requesting open positions be posted.
The Big Rock Candy Mountain: How to get a Job in Law Teaching:
Advice from Cornell Law School professor, Brad Wendel, on breaking into the Law teaching market.
Chronicle of Higher Education:
Best source for news, commentary, job listings, career advice and data on colleges and graduate schools.
Higher Ed Jobs
A list of jobs in higher education, which allows you to search by category, institution, region, state, or city.
Entering the Law Teaching Market:
Yale Law School’s guide to pursuing a career in legal academia.
Faculty Fellowship Programs That Lead to Law Teaching:
Description of programs that you can use to get onto a law teaching career track.
Information and Advice for Persons Interested in Teaching Law:
Advice from University of Texas Law School professor on how to prepare for a career in legal academia.
Law School and Beyond:
Discusses every aspect of the process of becoming a law school academic, from law school application all the way to the on-campus interview for a full time legal position.
Leiter Rankings:
Prof. Brian Leiter, a faculty member at University of Texas Law School, has created rankings of the U.S. law schools, including rankings of faculty in different specialty areas and lists of where tenure track professors went to law school.
A site with links to relevant materials on breaking into the legal academic market