Please see the message below regarding a potential staff writer position with the ABA's Criminal Justice Section Young Lawyers Committee:
ABA's Criminal Justice Section has just started a new committee: the Young
Lawyers Committee. One of our Committee's new initiatives is to publish a
quarterly newsletter targeted toward law students and lawyers in their first
five years of practice. I will be serving as Co-chair of the Committee and also
as the newsletter's Editor. For each issue, I would like to include a quarterly
review of criminal opinions issued by the various federal circuits.
Specifically, I would like to publish a "case summary" for each opinion,
organized by circuit.
I am
seeking several volunteer law students who would serve as "Staff Writers" for
this project. These students would be responsible for monitoring the opinions
issued by the particular circuit(s) to which they would be assigned. For each
opinion that impacts criminal law, the writer would prepare a summary of the
relevant facts and the holding of the case. Summaries should be approximately
one paragraph long, with reasonable leeway for more complicated opinions.
would like for you to prepare a mass email that you can send to your contacts to
solicit interested persons. Forwarding this email would certainly be
appropriate. One idea would be to contact the career coordinator for the
ABA-accredited law schools who could then forward the message to his/her student
body. I will leave the logistics to your discretion.
apply, I have attached a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision. Applicants should
review the case and prepare a case summary as described above. The summary
should then be emailed directly to me at
I will contact the applicants who have been selected shortly thereafter. I
would like all submissions emailed to me no later than October 15, 2012.
contact me with any questions you may have.
D. Dean
Lawyers Committee
Justice Section
Bar Association
FAX: (765) 973-9301