Thursday, February 14, 2013

Ten Tips for your first day in the office...

I came across this and thought it was a great piece to share. These ten tips are directly on point for your first day on the job. The first day on the job always starts the day before. I think it is important to figure out the best way to get to work the day before (especially if you are unfamiliar with the area). Map out your route on Google docs and take a test drive. The night before make sure you get a good night’s rest. I always suggest winding down for the evening around 8:00pm. Turn off your iPad, laptop, the TV, and make yourself some chamomile tea. Relax, listen to some calming music, review anything you received from your new employer, pick up a book (particularly one that helps you prepare for your new job). Just give yourself that extra wind down time.

Always DRESS THE PART. You are working in a law office and should dress appropriately. That means you wear a business suit. Men: slacks, jacket, button down shirt, tie, dark socks, and nice polished shoes. Women: dress pants/blouse/jacket, skirt/blouse/jacket, dress/jacket (pantyhose included), neutral tone shoes. Make sure your accessories are simple, you’re well-groomed and clean (always shower, brush your teeth, wear deodorant, etc...) How you dress the first day will set the standard for yourself and for people you come into contact with in the office and in the community.

Arrive early or right on time (never late).

Pay attention throughout your first day. Ask plenty of questions - this is the time to ask.

Smile and be friendly, but try not to make your first day entirely about the people you meet and attempt to make it more about the work you are to complete.

Shake hands with everyone you meet. If someone shows you how to do something or helps you out around the office in any way, remember your manners and say "thank you." Those moments of gratitude will go a long way.